Tuesday, December 18, 2012

A Day in the Life of a Retailer During the Holidays: Day 14

It's a week before we celebrate Christmas, and we are busy, busy taking care of everyone's gift lists.  AND sharing with each other the horrific tragedy of Sandy Hook Elementary School.  I am blessed that, in the store, our customers visit and share what's going on in their world.  Since Friday, we have been hugging and crying, trying to make sense of what happened.  I, too, have been processing what happened in Newton, Connecticut.  Thoughts of family are ever-present.  We're all holding our little ones a little closer now, aren't we?

I'm so fortunate that two of my six grandchildren live in town, and they often come to visit me in the store.  Today, they came for a short visit.  I always stop what I'm doing to visit with my little ones (Gunnar is four and Lily is three), and to give them a hug and kiss.  Gunnar calls it "filling up his bucket"!  I tell everyone that being a grandparent is the ONLY thing I've found that is not overrated!  In light of the tragedy, I am reminded, deeply reminded, how precious my six grandchildren are.

And how time is the greatest gift of all.  I remind my staff: we work in retail, but we don't sell things; we sell gifts.  And a gift always comes from a person - more specifically, a person's heart.  I have the privilege of helping people say 'I love you' every day when I walk into my store.  So, despite the tragedy, I go to work, and I sell, and I remember, and I'm grateful for those I can still hold close.

Praying God's comfort and peace for all of us....