Wednesday, December 19, 2012

A Day in the Life of a Retailer During the Holidays: Day 15

My lists are longer as Christmas becomes closer!!!  It's a BIG responsibility being Santa's helper!  So many share such intimate details about how much they care about their gift recipients - I take their trust in me so very seriously.

Here's a small sampling of what my lists look like:

This week we've wrapped and shipped out gifts that MUST arrive by Christmas Eve, wrapped over 150 gifts and hand-delivered over 50 (and it's only Wednesday morning!).

We've taken care of husbands, boyfriends, and one young man who decided right here in the store today, while he was shopping for a gift, that he wanted to be a groom, not a boyfriend!  He announced it to the whole entire store in a loud, joyful voice: "I'm going to buy an engagement ring!"  And he did!

Yesterday we mailed a $100,000 diamond for a 50th anniversary gift - I've been restless all night worrying that it will arrive today.  You can be sure that I'll double-check that first thing this morning (if only I had a sleigh!).

We've helped a former First Lady, two former U.S. Ambassadors, the daughter of a former President, and even a Princess of India with their gift lists this holiday season!

And, yesterday alone, we talked with no less than one dozen vendors checking to make sure ALL orders have shipped and will arrive by tomorrow!!!!

We ended yesterday by opening a bottle of wine, which the staff enjoyed while putting away the jewelry and going over their to-do lists.  It truly takes a village to get it all done, and The Menagerie is made up of villagers who understand the importance of each and every gift.  We work very hard to make sure nothing slips through the cracks!

I love my village and my job!  I am blessed indeed!!