Thursday, May 9, 2013

Lifestyle Thursdays: A Tribute to My Mom

“It’s easy to be an angel when no one ruffles your feathers.”
-          Hanny

My mother, known to the girls as Hanny, used to say that to me during my growing-up years and my adult years and all the years between.  After my divorce, when she and my dad came to live with us, she even had it written on a sign and placed up in the kitchen, the roost she most definitely ruled.

She helped me so tremendously during those years, my first taste of single motherhood.  She cooked and cleaned and babysat while I created this amazing gift called The Menagerie.  With two little ones under foot, there were most definitely many attempts to ruffle her feathers.  But, for the most part, she remained unflappable.

I think of that – of her and her saying – when stress creeps in and circumstances feel overwhelming.  Can I still be an angel when the feathers are flying?  I hope so.

Since on Sunday we will once again have our Sunday Brunch post up, I wanted to write this tribute today.  Mama, I miss you.  Thank you for those and all the many other lessons.  I can only hope I’m worthy of them.