Monday, April 29, 2013


“…[Claudia] said, softly.  ‘Everybody changes.’  ‘No, you’re wrong-nobody really changes,’ Bobbie spat out, shaking her head.  ‘We’re just like the antiques.  We grow old and get scarred and beat up along the way, and the only question becomes whether we’re going to make it until we realize what we already have is valuable.  So you need to snap out of it and take care of your valuables!’”
-          Page 88, Faith Bass Darling’s Last Garage Sale, by Lynda Rutledge

This is one of my new favorite books, written by an Austinite my daughter came across at the Writer’s League of Texas’ annual conference in June (an event she highly recommends, by the way).  This quote struck me, particularly, because it is so germane to the human experience…how it takes us so long to come back ‘round the bend and realize we really want to be right where we started.  That we love what we’ve always loved (in this case, the sense of home represented by Claudia Jean’s mama’s old antiques).  That we want what we’ve always wanted.  It’s just taken us a while to allow ourselves to admit it.  Out loud or, even, to ourselves.

So, where are you in your life?  Are you in the ‘figuring it out’ stage or the ‘been there, done that’ stage?  Are you looking ahead to the sun rising or looking back on the sun setting?  What does this quote make you think of?

Happy Monday everybody!